What Sets Our Raw Food Apart From The Rest

Real Raw Reasonable raw dog food

Our dogs are part of our family - they become a part of us just like every other member living in our house, which is why their food should be top-of-mind. This is why we have made a pretty big switch recently, and we are proud to announce that we are now the official supplier of Real Raw and Reasonable.

one pound raw dog food

Why’d we make the switch? 

Our goal with Pupper Select has always been to provide you with the best quality food for your furry family members. We are constantly evaluating our offerings and making sure that what we offer is in line with what we would feed our pets, Real Raw and Reasonable does just that, with over 30 years of experience perfecting their raw pet food, and developing their GUT protocol program. Let us tell you what this means! 

Human-Grade raw food 

The Real, Raw and Reasonable team provides the highest quality human-grade protein, free range and organic vegetables all sourced locally in Canada. We all know that eating fresh food is key to our overall health, and the same thing can be said for dogs. Human diets and food have been consistently evolving over time, but our pups? Not so much - in fact their food has only become more processed. Skipping the additives and preservatives with our raw food gives your dog the best food that they deserve.

Gut protocol with Raw dog food

What is the Gut protocol program? 

One of the things we loved about the Real, Raw and Reasonable food was their Gut protocol program that they have spent many years perfecting. The Gut protocol focuses on restoring the Microbiome, to help with inflammation and microbiome flare ups, often mistaken for a protein allergy. The program helps to rebalance and restore the dogs gut, which is responsible for 75% of their immune system, so maintaining gut health is key to a dog having long term overall health. This is why Real Raw and Reasonable uses real food solutions to keep your fur babies healthy and thriving. 


Why raw diets work: 

A trial, conducted by the largest veterinary laboratory in the world, compared hundreds of raw food for dogs with dry dog food. This trial found that dogs fed fresh meat are significantly healthier than dry fed dogs (ANTECH 2003), immunologically speaking. Some of the benefits include coat condition, 40% of the proteins dogs eat goes right to their coat. Without healthy proteins, dogs will not have enough protein in their diet to protect their coat. Other dogs experience an increase in muscle tone and better dental hygiene, along with a better behaved canine. Learn more about the benefits of Raw here

What you feed your dog matters, that is why we take care of sourcing you the best so you can enjoy time with your dog, and have the confidence to know their nutritional needs are being met. Questions? We are here to help.